Courtney Leibig

Tarwen Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age: Appears in her 20s by human standards
Appearance: Tarwen is a tall, light-skinned elf with a curvacious body. She has no bangs and wears her hair with the topmost layers pulled back and the remainder loose which hangs down to her waist. She tends to wear gold pirate’s earrings and a choker with an oval green cats eye moonstone in the center. She also wears a shimmering silver pendant shaped like angel wings with a star of sapphires in the center. She wears the pendant for more formal occasions, but is known to keep it under her clothes at other times. Being a ranger, she is usually seen wearing tight leather outfits that won’t get in the way of her work.
Class: Ranger
Gender: Female
Height: 5'9"
Name: Tarwen Rydramalyn
Profession: N/A
Race: Elf
Weight: Unknown

Skills: Fights using her bow and arrows or smaller sized swords; Good tracker; Some knowledge of healing magic

Personality: Tarwen can be very quiet at times and outspoken at others. She has a diplomatic air though she’s lived life as a ranger among the wood elves. She tends to be the peace keeper among her friends and even tries to mend relations between the races of her world. She loves the forest and animals and is very romantic.

Story: Tarwen was found as a baby by a kindly elven warrior close to Falaris. Believing her to have been abandoned by another elf who was unable to care for her, the warrior took her back to Kelethin and trained her as he would his own child. The only clue to the girl’s past was the sparkling pendant found around her neck with the name Tarwen engraved on the back. Tarwen grew, and flourished in the tree-top town, but there was always something else calling her. Call it... fate.