Alyssa O

Betelgeuse McCloud-Opalir Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Age: 20's
Description: She is a beautiful dusty brown with white markings and lavendar hair. She has big brown eyes, and a medium frame. She usually wears just about everything, but for the most part a purple shirt with a black cartoon skull character on it, baggy pants, a ball and chain necklace, and black all-stars. Her hair is usually in two braids, withthe top hidden under a grungy looking olive skull-cap. She has a tattoo on her shoulder blade that means glory in chinese, and studs pierce up and down her ears.
Gender: Female
History: Is sometimes sad because she knows not who her parents were...she was picked up by Sky as a baby in the park and given to Alitzi. Something went on between them, and now they hate each other. She has few friends, and her only love, Eclipse, was lost many years ago, along with his mother/her friend.
Magic: When Calli left her, she gained some of Calli's powers. She got wind powers from her, which she has fine tuned in a short amount of time.
Name: Betelgeuse
Personality: Has quite the attitude, and isn't afraid of anything, pretty much. But don't get on her bad side, she'll scorn you forever. However, inside, she's very broken and sad, but never shows it becasue she thinks any emotion or weakness is poor character.
Species: Siberian Husky Anthro