Nicole H.

Bluumchen Aelfraed (formerly Yuri Yukino) Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Name Meaning: Bluumchen is the German word for blossom, and Aelfraed is an ancient Germanic word that means "elf councel." Species: Albino Rabbit Age: 17 Height: 5' 9" Hair Color: Light blue Hair Style: Pixie style. Eye Colour: Red Favorite colours: Primaries and pastells. Personailty: Bluumchen is a German rabbit who is being trained to be a ballet dancer. Aside from that, she likes all sorts of dances, like jazz and hip-hop. She likes jazz and R&B music, as well as classical. Bluum (as she is called by her friends) is a pretty mellow gal. She likes to hang out and just chill, and take life at a slower speed than the rest of the world. She's a logical thinker and likes to go about obsticals by thinking them through rather than leaping head first into them. She ususally wears tank tops and loose pants, and sometimes sweaters (which she ties around her waist.) She likes to eat crackers with jam/jelly and a some orange spice tea.