Molly Jakale

Shepherd (Shep, Sheppie, "Shep-&%@#") Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Species: Catahoula Leopard Dog (visit catahouas.com, catahoulaleopard.com) Sex: Male Orientation: Straight

Non-morphic: Fur is limilar to blue merle in color, but to a trained eye a blue-leopard dog has more irregularities in the spots (size, shape, whatnot.) His eyes are a yellow and blue marble (I often use two eye color rings to make this easier on myself) and is the bobtailed mutation of the breed - no tail, just a "nub. All of his toes are white except for those which are on his front left paw. His chest is white. When scared, guilty, hungry, his ears both look greyhound-ish. Otherwise, hsi left ear flops forward like a labrador's would and his right ear is like a greyhound's. He cannot bend his patellas -(hocks - the "extra joint" in digitigrade legs) due to inbreeding. His nature is playful but he's a "bad-boy" - always looking guilty.

Morphic: He's about five-foot-11, not tall for his breed, but who knows what-all he's got in him. He wears his confederate flag collar (navy with confederate flags stitched into it all the way around) with pride; his favorite pants would have to be his camoflauge deer-hunting ones. He is most definately not a "Furry Against Hunting." If he chooses to wear a shirt it would be a white tank top. Living arrangements?: trailer in SC Attitude: As we've said before, he's always guilty of something. Tawny (myself) will never approve of him because he dosen't believe in marriage (This should change as he gets older and finds it hard to get girls.) He has no fiuture and plans to live off of his parents until they die -or- he gets a job, whichever comes first ;). Children?: Loves kids. Wants to have them some day, but not now. Religion: Southern Baptist (his church was involved with some small-time KKK stuff.) He's pretty much a good-ole-boy, so nobody in the congregation cares if he gets laid every other night.

Have fun with him!