Melissa Jewell

Nuka Scrue Character Reference

Place of Birth:
Gender Identity:

Nuka is the son of Ariel Palaz and Nephista Scrue. He's the green cat thing that I draw most of the time. I draw him at assorted ages, from a baby to a teenager, though for RPs and stories, he's usually either 9 or 14. Being raised by an assassin and a vagrant has left him with a lack of social graces and basic morals. This tends to make people either love him or hate him. There's really no "tolerating" gray area. He's usually bratty and mischevious, though his pranks aren't the kind that would say, cripple a person, usually just wound their pride. Though he tends to get himself into a lot of tight situations, he's very cunning and charismatic so he can usually escape them unscathed. If things get violent, he's a decent fighter, though could be a lot better if he trained. He sees most people as potential targets for his cons and trickery, though once someone has truly earned his friendship, he is fiercely loyal. One last thing, Nuka is obsessed with fire, but a little pyromania isn't anything to hold against a person.