Violet Whirlwind

Critters 5: Fleetwynd
Critters 5: Fleetwynd by @VioletWhirlwind (Violet Whirlwind)

Old stuff first.

Tribue to a dog I once had. I drew this the summer after she died, and I meant for it to look a LOT like her.

The creature is one of my own fantasy creations that I was going to someday have in a web adption agency. (website is currently two unfinished, not uploaded pages, and has been for slightly more than three years.=p Meh. I be lazy.)

The critter is called a fleetwynd, and is part dog, part cloud, kind of an air elemental dog or something. Wherever they go, clouds appear below their feet and streaming off their backs, tails, and ears, thus, they walk on air. That cloud behind the creature is what it looks like before it comes into being. Fleetwynds are esentially born of clouds, the cloud being the equivilent of an egg.

image © Violet Whirlwind

14y148d ago
Other Work By @VioletWhirlwind

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