B Sanders

Nameless Goddess
Nameless Goddess by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

A character from my "Guardians" story. She gains a name later in the story, but she starts off as a nameless entity which interacts with the main characters.

So, what would you name her?

Finished Work
14y42d ago
Other Work By @fragmented_imagination

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Wednesday, 17 March, 2010 @ 09:49 PM

Ooh, names...You know, I think Aletheia would suit her, if you're looking for a name based off a real word/language (it means "truth" in Greek - I remember trying to write a story when I was about 13 with a main character called Aletheia. Needless to say it was awful. I hadn't thought it out very well. Basically this evil guy wanted to enslave the world and sent out troupes of giants to kidnap entire villages. Aletheia was lucky enough to get away, then ran into some old witch who had a magic sword or something that she passed onto Aletheia. I wrote it at the height of my Greek craze... Still, I now wish I hadn't got rid of all the stupid notebooks I wrote/doodled in when I was younger. Because I'm sure not all of my ideas were bad. I've still got plenty of pictures from when I was fourteen and onwards, though).

 If you want an entirely random name...Eseonyea.

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