Daisy Hunt

"Ill-tempered as always. But I'll forgive you for it." by @Lucky_Ladybug66 (Daisy Hunt)

An idea sparked in one of my stories, wherein Fakir and Autor met several times (three) as children. This meeting was shortly after Fakir's parents were killed. Overhearing an unfeeling comment, he ran crying to the park, only to be discovered by Autor, who offered some sympathy and told him he shouldn't pay attention to what that woman said. Upon a couple further exchanges, with Fakir snapping at him, Autor responded with the above, title quote. I imagine him having a big vocabulary even as a kid.

I have a terrible time drawing chibis. Hence why they have very long arms and legs for little kids. But I think I was able to make them look younger from their expressions and especially the eyes.

Autor I just keep picturing as having always worn fancy clothes. I'll be coloring his pants black, however, so it won't look identical to the Kinkan Academy uniform.

13y354d ago
Other Work By @Lucky_Ladybug66

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