B Sanders

Junicorn 2022 #5 - Green
Junicorn 2022 #5 - Green by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

"Green unicorns, also known as cave unicorns, have been found in massive caverns throughout the world. Many famous caverns are known to be dwellings to green unicorns, but it hardly means that they are any more approachable than most species. Green unicorns know their caverns inside and out, making tracking one impossible. However, they are among species more likely to approach humans. Green unicorns are sensitive to humans' panic and confusion, which can easily be interpreted as being lost. They will guide humans out of a cave simply by "igniting" themselves with green light and walking toward an entrance, usually the same one the human used to enter. No one knows what causes the light that envelops the unicorns' bodies, whether it is done with magic or some type of voluntary bio-luminescence. Green unicorns do not venture into light, so it is hard to say what color their coat is when not lit. No one has ever reported seeing this unicorn's eyes, leading many to believe that it is either blind or it simply has none (either explanation would go toward how a green unicorn does not blind itself when wandering its home)."

And now, a cop-out.

Okay, maybe not too much. I had this planned all day. I simply sketched out a vague unicorn shape and then layered up the glow to hide the harder lines of its base form. I'm not entirely sure what I would have done if I had more time. Probably give it a proper outline and some more defined shape before obscuring it. I have found that I at least have been working out how to sketch out a horse in short order.

Finished Work
1y318d ago
Other Work By @fragmented_imagination

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