B Sanders

Junicorn 2022 #6 - Warmth
Junicorn 2022 #6 - Warmth by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

"In the home, nothing can be more comforting than a hearth unicorn. The only species of unicorn to be domesticated in the slightest, hearth unicorns are some of the smallest unicorns and, by far, the most accepting of humans. These unicorns were once the pets of only the wealthy. However, in modern times, they have become a feature of the common folk. They have a calm demeanor and a sensitivity to human emotions, often responding to anxiety or depression by huddling against a human to provide comfort. They are fond of children, although this comes with the side effect of instant punishment should a child decide to mistreat one. They are still horses, after all, and will not be afraid of delivering a sharp but careful kick to the gut so that a misbehaving child will get the message. They enjoy protection from unicorn hunters and poachers simply because their horns and manes are valueless. The name 'hearth unicorn' comes from the fact that, when not engaging humans, they can often be found near fireplaces or ovens, as they like to keep their thick coats a comfortable temperature for when they decide to comfort their owners."

Not one of my best, but I put in a decent effort. I had to reference a couple of websites in order to get an idea of what a horse might look like sleeping on the ground. I decided to go with this pose since laying it on its side would require more work to make the angles look good. Not that this is a work of perspective genius, either, but it felt a little more natural to show the unicorn curled up and relaxing.

Finished Work
1y322d ago
Other Work By @fragmented_imagination

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