Daisy Hunt

I'd still like to make a martini with you sometime.
I'd still like to make a martini with you sometime. by @Lucky_Ladybug66 (Daisy Hunt)

Ah, gotta love Vermouth and her flirting with Gin. XD He's unconscious here, from some mishap or another, and Vermouth has gone to talk to him. She encourages him to wake up and then leans over and kisses him, saying the title line.

Her pose was a NIGHTMARE. I could not get it. I finally had to do an Internet search for pictures of "leaning over a railing" to find something to use as a model. I'm still not entirely happy with how her pose ended up, and I think Gin's hand is too big. I was trying to show that it was bigger than Vermouth's, but I think I may have gone overboard. However, I'm pleased with the expressions, and most of all, with Gin's hair. Doesn't it look lovely? XD strokes it.

Teen (O)
17y246d ago
Other Work By @Lucky_Ladybug66

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