
June 12th, 2024


An adaptation of “The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time”.


Steven DeMayo Universe is a 16 year old boy living in Swindon, England, with his widowed father, Greg. Steven’s mother, Rose, died from a heart attack two years prior to the events of the story. One night, Steven discovers that his neighbour Vidalia’s dog, Wellington, has been fatally speared with a garden fork. As Steven mourns over Wellington's body, Vidalia calls the police. When a policeman grabs Steven’s arm, Steven panics and hits him so he is arrested for assaulting a police officer though he is quickly released with a police caution. He decides to investigate the dog's death by chronicling any information he receives in a book. During his investigation, he meets the elderly Mrs. Alexander, who informs Steven that his mother had an affair with Yellowtail.


Greg discovers the book and confiscates it. While searching his father's room for the book Steven finds letters from his mother that are dated after her supposed death, leading him to become distressed and enter a catatonic state. Realizing that Steven has discovered the letters, Greg admits to lying about Rose’s death and reveals that she is still alive and living in London with Yellowtail. Greg also confesses that he had killed Wellington in anger after an argument with Vidalia. Steven decides to run away and live with his mother.


After a long, event-filled journey, evading policemen and feeling ill from the trains and crowds around him, he finally finds his way to the home of his mother and Yellowtail, much to the delight of the former and chagrin of the latter. Soon after arriving, Steven wants to return to Swindon in order to take his mathematics A-level. Rose leaves Yellowtail as he becomes increasingly hostile towards both her and Steven. After an argument, Rose agrees to let Greg see Steven for brief daily visits. Steven remains apprehensive of his father and starts wondering if he will be imprisoned for killing Wellington. Greg gifts Steven a green-cheeked conure, promising that he will gradually rebuild trust with his son. Steven declares that he will take further exams and attend university. He completes his mathematics A-level with top grades and the story ends with Steven feeling optimistic about his future.

Teen (V)
Finished Work
95d23h ago
Other Work By @RaptorPupil

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