B Sanders

Shotoha (Progress Model 110220A)
Shotoha (Progress Model 110220A) by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

A recent update on the Shotoha model. This time, I've filled in the funky-colored blocks across its hull with its weapon assemblies. In order to give a smooth, harmless look, the Shotoha's weaponry retracts into the hull when not in use, which is rather atypical for the universe it's in. The only exception is the warhead launchers in the nacelles, although distinguishing them would require looking straight down the barrels. This gives them a slight initiative when the ship suddenly comes under attack. I've also added the big gun to the back of the ship, which you can't really see in this update. The Shotoha-class doesn't have any external propulsion device, instead using a relatively strange, internal system located in the ship's very center. Therefore, the back end of the ship is dedicated to a large energy cannon which makes fighting just one of these little bastards a bad idea.

13y62d ago
Other Work By @fragmented_imagination

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