Violet Whirlwind

Purple Thylacine Tail
Purple Thylacine Tail by @VioletWhirlwind (Violet Whirlwind)

Started at a convention workshop...finished about a month later.

I have made myself a tail, finally. (They actually had purple fur available! =O ) I probably should have just gone with making a plain purple tail half this size and have it be Reni's, but...I decided to go all over-achiever, and do a purple thylacine tail instead. >.> (I suppose it could also be a meerkat or coati tail, but....I designed it with thylacine in mind)

This thing is sewn completely by hand, as I don't have a sewing machine. It kept sprouting holes as I was making it, but I think I've been able to get them all now. (hopefully) I had to sew each stripe individually...which is why it took so much longer to finish than everybody else who was in the workshop. XD

But I did finally finish it...just in time for Halloween!...Now...if only I had ears to go with it...or the rest of a suit for that matter...

(c) Violet Whirlwind

13y182d ago
Other Work By @VioletWhirlwind

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