B Sanders

Bremerhaven (Progress Model 110130A)
Bremerhaven (Progress Model 110130A) by @fragmented_imagination (B Sanders)

An big update to the Bremerhaven model. Most of the update is centered around the main body of the hull. My philosophy behind making these models lately is almost the same as any physical model you'd make; I have to build it before I paint it. So my next few updates will be focused on the "bare metal" of the ship. Here (and in the next post), I have finally put texture on the angling surfaces (the wings) and the main body of the ship. In addition to the base color layer to differentiate the different metals used in the ship's outer surface, I've layered on a bump map and a specular texture to make this thing shine and to make the plate separations visible. Other additions are the texture for the sensors which run the length of the ship and the texture on the beam ports (the circular pieces in the red boxes). I've also added navigation lamps, those small points of white along the hull.

13y87d ago
Other Work By @fragmented_imagination

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