
  • Robotnik message for a certain mouse here on side7
  • XxTheCreativeKitsunexX
  • /galleries/1/110/11046/thumbnails/audio/small/a79494c57b288dc83c14d915da0e6c3168020ab5.jpg
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Robotnik message for a certain mouse here on side7 by @XxTheCreativeKitsunexX (XxTheCreativeKitsunexX)

A certain mouse has decided the ol Dr deserved a good ol punch to the shnozola, the dr has some words about that to have everyone better understand him

Took something I found in comments and made an entire voice practice around ha ha ha ha it was a BLAST.

Voice work by J.Delorey XxTheCreativeKitsunexX Dr Egg Man Sonic the Hedgehog and image all are © Sega

Comments & Critiques (7)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Casual Only

Posted: Monday, 13 February, 2023 @ 04:19 PM

I was expecting Top 10 Rappers Eminem Was Too Scared to Diss, but I see 4Kids got to you first. :B

Posted: Monday, 13 February, 2023 @ 04:42 PM

@Thorvald: Keeping it E for everyone, keeping in line with the character.

Posted: Tuesday, 14 February, 2023 @ 05:40 PM

@Thorvald wrote:

I was expecting Top 10 Rappers Eminem Was Too Scared to Diss, but I see [4Kids got to you first]

Can’t very well have Dr. Robotnik shooting everything and everyone up. Not looking for a Joker style reboot but a more tougher sounding version without being too scary. More relatable with obvious flaws making him more believable.

Posted: Tuesday, 14 February, 2023 @ 10:36 PM

@XxTheCreativeKitsunexX: It's funny because one of my colleagues in this Comic Project was looking to create a villain-antithesis, and I'd coached him at length about ways to do it—my thinking was, since his self-insert was a sombre, gloomy, no-nonsense type, make his Evil Clone chipper and playful and basically the Perfect Drinking Buddy except for the whole conquer the galaxy thing. (I was, essentially, trying to get him to break out of what had been a parade of two-dimensional Villains of the Week with an actual fleshed-out character.)

Conversely, another guy who was briefly involved and is that kind of Sonic fan, said "nah brah, you gotta triple down on complete cartoon ham—like Eggman!"

He opted for the latter, and it was so bad he ended up soft-rebooting the character in the subsequent chapter. :x

Posted: Tuesday, 14 February, 2023 @ 11:09 PM

@Thorvald: It takes someone who knows the character traits of that character to make any kind of change worthwhile. Actors like being able to get into character to better understand motivations, quirks, moods and personality before they full commit to becoming that character. One of the core elements of what makes cartoons hard to take seriously is the tone that the voice actors have been told to sound like. 4 Kids IS a definite culprit to this practice but for understandable reasons, most people still consider cartoons as still for children and not for adult audiences unless stated. One piece was a very bad yet interesting example of 4 Kids getting a license yet having no idea what kind of material the show was cause no one had watched it. The voice acting HAD to meet a certain criteria in order to receive the blessing of the network ratings board as E for Everyone. Material like Sonic is easier cause the Dr. Eggman was a sort of a goofy failure but was a tryhard ego-centric villain, in that regard and the fact he had never killed anyone in the any of the material he was in be it in the video games or the written material made about him from Sega themselves. Eggman is an almost typical villain who is capable of great harm but has never stepped over a certain boundary like murder or any of the other nasty stuff that is not very kid like. Sonic and its world is like Super Mario being that Mario IS Sonic's rival in the gaming landscape the team behind sonic wanted a world similar with what the mushroom kingdom was that was a little more kid friendly but still wanted a villain to terrorize the world in his own unique way. While Dr.Robotnik/Eggman IS a villain his main raison d'etre is more driven by hunger for power and being greedy. While this equates to being evil he is not a TRUE evil as pointed out in the games and shows where he has teamed up with Sonic to defeat a common enemy. The things he does is considered evil cause it does bring harm to those in his way but no where does it say in cannon that Eggman has killed anyone. That would make him more terrible then even Bowser who like Eggman is driven by greed, huger for power but also looking for someone to love him cause he was unloved as a child. This all creates a very unique scenario for a bad guy and not a true villain. Sonic Sat AM Sonic on the other hand Dr.Robotnik was a true psychopath but was also lazy as dirt, while he was true to being an actual evil Villain he was a more darker version of the videogame version everyone knows and loves. While Eggman has become a joke villain over the years, it does not mean that there is no room to make his character and personality able to change into someone else without going into the darker side of his psyche. A good voice actor is able to take existing personality traits and add something so that nothing is lost in translation but at the same time something new is added that you would not expect of that character as well. We ARE dealing with an ego centric driven mad dr after all, the fact he is almost taunting yet begging to know why he is hated shows he is just as vulnerable a character as any other and has his flaws that make him easy to understand and relatable even if he knows he wrong about something doesn't mean he is willing to admit it. That is what I merely did with his character and personality and what any voice actor tries to do is to make you believe this is who the Dr really is regardless of who is voicing him. Like Mark Hamill did for the Joker, taking a sadistic clown and turning him into a lovable yet very dangerous villain who can be JUST as serious as he is silly.

Posted: Wednesday, 15 February, 2023 @ 04:16 PM

@XxTheCreativeKitsunexX: Aye, I'm not dunking on your work here, I just found it an amusing irony you wanted to give Eggman depth when this other guy ran off in the opposite direction. :P

Posted: Wednesday, 15 February, 2023 @ 06:12 PM

@Thorvald: No worries I knew what you meant but to anyone else it was me just giving info. I am no professional but did a lot of studying about voice acting and the matter of character personality to give depth.

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