
Serial Artwork Is Live!!

Posted: Monday, 02 May, 2022 @ 01:50 PM
Posted By: BadKarma

For those of you who do webcomics, or chapter-based writing, or any other similar art form, we now have Serial Art set up. The Serial Art feature allows you to group parts of a serial together, and they will display in a familiar "web comic' style, with forward and back, first and last navigation buttons. This display will skip any of your other uploads that aren't part of the serial.

Setting up a serial is similar to setting up a portfolio: - Log into your account. - Under your account menu, click 'Upload Content'. - In the top button bar, click "Serial Art'. - Follow the prompts to create a serial folder.

Once you have created a serial, you can automatically add new uploads to that serial on the upload page through the drop-down box under "Optional Information'.

We hope you enjoy this feature!

-- BK