El Thorvaldo Moderator


A Call to Apolyton
A Call to Apolyton by @Thorvald (El Thorvaldo)

My 21st submission to DYOS XI. [link]

I regard myself as a shepherd of DYOS. I'm the guy who'll spotlight characters who haven't been seen for ages, simply for the purpose of reminding the audience they exist. In DYOS X, this is what turned the Gem arc into a major storyline, with repercussions stretching all the way into this story!

mythmonster2 had basically quit after DYOS 10 and put himself up as free to use; since he's in command of Apolyton, he had a lot of potential; but alas, aside from a one-off gag by @GenMarshall, nobody picked him up and I was too busy to take it further at the time.

...Which in retrospect was somewhat beneficial, as his subsequent Jack Noir persona provided much more inspiration.

mythmonster2 © himself.

[Originally submitted to DeviantArt February 2012.]

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