Rollee Bitterblossom

Factory of Madness: The Room of Dolls
Factory of Madness: The Room of Dolls by @rollee (Rollee Bitterblossom)

The ruins of Piedmont Factory are haunted by the ghosts of the children who were once made to toil endlessly in its walls, all the way to their demise in the Night of the Fire. Trapped in the building they hated in life, each ghost is an echo of their own unique tragedy. Some struggle to maintain some semblance of their humanity, others are now completely lost in the madness of death. This is their story

Piedmont has many chambers hidden away in its winding maze of corridors and hallways, One particularly horrific room is referred to as the “doll room” by the few people who have seen it. One part workshop filled with dozens of cheaply made hand puppets and another part display piece, a scene of haphazardly thrown together furniture in some reverence to a sense of long forgotten nostalgia. Haunting as the room’s appearance is, it is the smell of putrid rot that truly overwhelms the senses, for a closer look reveals the unspeakable materials these "cloth" puppets are made of.

This is where the broken ghost of Darlene Doles works. Lost in some delusional madness, Darlene attempts to fill the hole left by her lost family with the recreation of dolls in their image. Stuck in a cyclical mental loop, Darlene’s ghost continuously tries to make them over and over again. Having long since stripped the chamber of any normal reagents, she has developed a taste for making dolls out of more “realistic” materials. Afterall a lifelike delusion demands lifelike parts.

Teen (V)
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290d16h ago
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Comments & Critiques (6)

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Posted: Thursday, 17 August, 2023 @ 08:06 PM
Rating: 5


Posted: Friday, 18 August, 2023 @ 12:15 AM
Rating: 5

Those poor dolls, dolls need love.

Amazing work my friend

Posted: Friday, 18 August, 2023 @ 12:53 AM
Rating: 5

I am now uncomfortably reminded of Cupcakes. Not that I've read it, but the TVTropes page gives the general feeling.

Posted: Friday, 18 August, 2023 @ 12:59 AM

@fragmented_imagination: I have no idea what "Cupcakes" is, but Im gonna assume this is a compliment :D

Posted: Friday, 18 August, 2023 @ 01:02 AM

@rollee: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic creepypasta. Similar premise of creating something with freshly-removed flesh done by an incurably insane character. A few doses of physical and mental torture.

Posted: Friday, 18 August, 2023 @ 01:05 AM

@fragmented_imagination: My drawing of a ghost girl making dolls out of flesh is being compared to MLP creepypasta, clearly I am winning the internet today

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