The Wizard Of Zaar

Egrellian Pirates 3: Gol Olod
Egrellian Pirates 3: Gol Olod by @The-Wizard-of-Zaar (The Wizard Of Zaar)

Gol is a special kind of Egrellian pirate; a Captain. He's as strong as Dolos and as clever as Brell; but he exploits the martial pride of Dolos with flattery, currying his favour with the promise of a good fight and a good portion of the spoils even though he's made exempt from the manual labour. He is a mentor to Brell and buys Brell's respect with respect, Gol buys his loyalty with fear.

Gol is charismatic as any pirate captain worth his salt; for all their faults, Egrellians have a keen sense of style. Gol has a very confident and authoritarian fashion; from the bronze embellishments on his armour, his heavy spiked bronze gauntlet or his customized blaster pistol.

He is highly respected within Egrellian society and owns his own ship; many young Egrellians seek his attention and an opportunity to join his crew, learning the trade of piracy and earning a profit in doing so.

Pirate Captains of his long time experience and repute hold a particularly prestigious place in Egrellian society. Seen as daring entrepreneurs and defenders of Egrellian people, teachers of the youth and in most Egrellian fashion; violators of the laws of other species, but upholders of the few but deep and widely applied laws of the Egrellian people; one of which being to never ply your trade against your own species.

When Egrellians attack, kill, imprison or subjugate each other- It must be in the cause of their laws, in the upholding or maintaining of honour, the rightful resolution of a dispute.

Gol Olod is a fierce and stern keeper of these laws.

Rough / Concept
179d2h ago
Other Work By @The-Wizard-of-Zaar

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