The Wizard Of Zaar

Egrellian Pirates 4: Zell
Egrellian Pirates 4: Zell by @The-Wizard-of-Zaar (The Wizard Of Zaar)

Zell is a fairly unremarkable individual, and that in a way is his strength. He knows his place, never being too ambitious or seeking to radically stand out in any remarkable fashion. He does well as a heavy handed thug, earns his keep and makes a modest profit. He doesn't fall into many of the traps of Egrellian society; the pitfalls of excessive greed at the cost of popularity, the lust for power over the greater well being of his gang, nor being sucked into vanity and the need to rebel against every little thing.

Zell is reliable, he not only knows who to take orders from; but who he can push around and get away with it. He doesn't stick his nose up at the legwork or necessary day to day tasks of the pirate lifestyle; always making sure to be seen as available, willing and capable... But not remarkable either.

He simply blends into whatever crew he is in seamlessly.

Rough / Concept
178d8h ago
Other Work By @The-Wizard-of-Zaar

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