
VESTIA by @Starcatcher (FOX)

Set to other mostly because of all the harsh bright colors in the background. :sob emoji: But here's my girl Vestia!! Or just her head... heh (few years old, but i still like it)

Teen (O)
Finished Work
1y40d ago
Other Work By @Starcatcher

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Tuesday, 25 April, 2023 @ 02:31 PM
Rating: 4

Yo, sick! I love the fuzzy texture of the artwork. Like one of those flocked sylvanian family dolls every kid in the kindergarten suckled on so the fuzz is like all highlighted. I… don’t know how else to phrase that lol. Nice work dude

Posted: Tuesday, 25 April, 2023 @ 05:12 PM

@DaGrandDragonn: AHH thank you!!! I'm pretty sure the fuzz is just called flocking on flocked dolls O_o haha. In reality she's super smooth, but I just liked how paint's shitty little spraycan tool looked when you layered it up all nice. So I decided to like have a little fun with the rim lights and stuff like that!

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