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Direct messages failing to notify - Started by: Thorvald
Direct messages failing to notify
Posted: 26 Mar 2024, 07:36 PM

I've received several direct messages that aren't indicated by the Message Center icon, and only discover by chance if I'm reviewing the inbox. There does not appear to be an identifiable pattern as to when or why this happens.

Corollary is a feature suggestion: Internal flags to track whether a message has been read, eg. bolding the title in the inbox folder.

As such, if you've sent me a letter and never received an expected reply, gimme a poke. :B

RE: Direct messages failing to notify
Posted: 26 Mar 2024, 11:34 PM

I mentioned this in the bugs channel in the Discord about a month or two back. It seemed to be caused if and when the sender read their own sent message from their own outbox, the message would then become marked as read; presumably for the recipient as well, clearing the recipient's notification before he or she could have become aware of it.

RE: Direct messages failing to notify
Posted: 30 Mar 2024, 12:31 PM

Yeah, this bug is currently on the list for v5.23, which is in development right now. Thanks for the heads up, though.

-- BK

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