@mouse || Profile
Terri Sender

@mouse (Terri Sender)
Last Seen:
14d4h ago
10 December, 1999
They / Them / Theirs / Themself
19 December, 1977
mouse turns 47 this year.
Arizona, Unspecified
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Terri 'Mouse' Sender. Born an Untouchable in the center of India, she trekked out to seek her fortune in Spanish gold as the helmsman of part of the Spanish Armada. After two years of service, she was awarded with a ship of her own to command, and set sail for... for... wrong script. Sorry. Time to update this little thing.

Speaking of updates, I need to get some more artwork on this archive. Like, "any". Hopefully I'll remedy that soon. However, I'm keeping that bio introduction; I rather like it.

EDIT: I'm finally updating again!

On a more serious note, though, I've been dwaddling in the "art thang" since roughly 1984 or so (though, granted, much of any improvement I've made has been much more recent than that). An illustrator more than anything else, I've started floating over to a more digital production realm, experimenting with Corel Painter IX as an art program over Adobe Photoshop X.X (where X, of course, is any number). In addition, I want to eventually start teaching myself 3-D modelling again. Any suggestions on this would be greatly appreciated.

EDIT: Ignore the above, I have LONG SINCE dropped both Corel Painter IX and Adobe Photoshop X.X and have moved on to Paint Tool SAI. I also have Blender, but have done jack all with it.

Scratch the "soon" part. Seven years later, I finally return, and still with little to offer. At least I'm starting to come around again. I think.

EDIT: Coming around now!

SUPER MEGA EDIT: Now that I'm back around more or less for good, I'm sad to say that unless things change in my life in the very-near future, new artwork is almost a lost cause from me. Sorry, everyone that might have been waiting for me to post new stuff!

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