Yvette Wade

Vega B Torso-Street Fighter
Vega B Torso-Street Fighter by @Mookyvet (Yvette Wade)

^^ I went through a Vega phase for a couple of weeks. x.x I was obceeessed. hugs Vega He's so pretty and psychotic. THE PERFECT GUY!

Colored with Crayola Colored Pencils

Finished Work
20y250d ago
Other Work By @Mookyvet

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Thursday, 02 October, 2003 @ 12:39 AM

vega is pretty cool. his tattoo, claws and mask! =P I used to draw him all the time. he was my fav villain on street fighter 2 arcade version. o.o.. you couldn't play as him then. anyways.. this is really cool. the claws get a bit thin closer to the base. his wrist and hand look a bit odd; the right one. very nice coloring, the hair is great looking. =P

Posted: Friday, 03 October, 2003 @ 12:08 PM

Yeah, you're right. ^^ I think his wrist is a bit too thin and it's oddly twisted. And, thanks for the info on his claws and whatnot. ^^; I'll be sure to remember it if I ever draw another picture of him.

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