zara thus

Spider..... by @zarathus (zara thus)

today....when i woke up in the morning...there was a spider crawling across my face!!! arrrg....i hate things crawling across my face!! it was an evil daddy long legs, so i picked it up and threw it out the window. I dont really hate spiders, actually i quite like the big ones...and i woulnt mind having one as a pet (if you could have them as pets in new zealand) ooh...the pet i would want so much...is a snake! i dont really like snakes but i would love one as a pet! a big fat one; one of those ones that crush their pray to death! and i would feed it evil little mice, that there are so many thousonds of! but....you arent alloud snakes in new zealand. um....thats nothing about spider though...is it?

any way....i went a bit crazy doing this pic..i always seem to do that and make them look all strange and not very good! hmm....yes... Artwork © Copyright 2002 zara thus

Teen (O)
Finished Work
22y82d ago
Other Work By @zarathus

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Sunday, 21 July, 2002 @ 05:08 AM

Poor misunderstood, digested spider...

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