Aeryn Avalon

Cute girl with totally awesome hair!
Cute girl with totally awesome hair! by @aeryaval (Aeryn Avalon)

Finally writing descriptions! Applause Well, this is a girl...with red hair...(very eloquent, Aeryn...).... The inspiration for this one came from a book I bought, it's one of those "How to Draw Anime and Game Characters" books, the first "How To Draw" book I have ever purchased, and it helped me quite a bit with the drawing of the profile. I had no reference when drawing her hair, however, and I am quite proud of that braid! Doesn't it look nifty!? I like it, wahoo!

I used Crapola markers for her hair, and colored pencils for her dress and the background, because the junky markers leave streakyness when coloring large areas. I rather like this one, which is amazing, because usually I hate all my art with a fiery passion. Ok, well maybe not a fiery one, but a passion, nonetheless. Special special thanks to awesome awesome Li-chan, the Magical Goddess of Scanning and Uploading! Artwork © Copyright 2003 Aeryn Avalon

Finished Work
21y19d ago
Other Work By @aeryaval

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Thursday, 22 May, 2003 @ 11:18 PM

I'm pretty sure I told you how awesome I think her hair is. It's soooo totally sweet it makes me want to kick my mom, RIGHT IN THE FACE. And yes, I am the beautiful goddess of scanning and uploading, ne? :)


Posted: Tuesday, 27 May, 2003 @ 11:06 PM

Of course you are the beautiful goddess of scanning and uploading, my wonderful Li-chan. I'm pretty proud of her hair too, especially the braid. I am eternally in your debt for scanning and uploading her!

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