
Forever Alone
Forever Alone by @fantasy_moon (Cassie)

This was an art trade that I did with one of my friends. A few references were used from the anime and some manga scans I have to get the outfit and his head to look right, but the pose is all mine. I'm pleased with how it turned out. I have to say this is one of the best pictures I've done, and it's my new favorite.

pounces Bakura

Finished Work
19y299d ago
Other Work By @fantasy_moon

Comments & Critiques (4)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 13 August, 2004 @ 01:55 AM

points cheerfully Abs!

I'm always impressed by male anatomy (no, not that kind of male anatomy! Minds out of the gutter!...then again...) being that I've never managed to draw decent muscle structure...everyone's always heavily clothed, with me. XD

I partiuclarly like the style and expression of his face int his one...it reminds me of something...not sure what...but it looks cool. And his cloak is flowing so nicely.

Did you make that background? It's lovely, detailed enough to be distinguishable, but soft enough so's not to distract from Bakura. And I want to pet those clouds.

Posted: Friday, 13 August, 2004 @ 10:41 AM

Heh, I didn't have those kind of thoughts until you mentioned it. ^_^;;

Most of the fanart I've seen of him (which hasn't been much) has Bakura with his usual evil expression, but I wanted something more sad, I guess.

Yes, the background is all mine! ^_^ I didn't like it at first because there wasn't much detail in it, yet the more I looked at it the better it seemed. And I don't think there's really anything else that could convey the solitude besides a seemingly endless desert.

Thank you so much for commenting! hugs

Posted: Wednesday, 18 August, 2004 @ 10:28 PM

Aw, this is so melancholy and sweet. He has such a sad expression. I love how you did the effects of his hair and robe blowing softly in the wind. Just a note, though: I think his eye color is supposed to be more reddish-amber.

Posted: Friday, 20 August, 2004 @ 11:45 PM

The ref pics that I did use showed him having more grayish eyes so I went with it. shrugs We'll say he's using ancient contacts! lol Deciding to use a sad expression came from something my art trade partner had said about Bakura in one of our chats. It's a change from his psychotic faces. ^_~

Thank you for commenting on my picture! ^_^

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