Seffie Aaron

n.n by @Seffie_Elaine (Seffie Aaron)

Adobe's infamous "n.n" face.

I know, I know, they're many mistakes ^^; Not the best picture I've ever done, but he's ADOBE for goodness sakes, I have to upload anything that even looks like him ^^; Thanks for looking if ya do, but I'd point out other pictures that you'd probably like better.

20y121d ago
Other Work By @Seffie_Elaine

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 13 February, 2004 @ 02:00 PM

n_n I love the expression.

Glad to see that you're posting a lot more of you pics now. Not much wrong here except the fact that it isn't colored... but that's the negative comment I use for all uncolored pics anyway, so nothing personal. Also, DON'T BE AFRAID TO DRAW HANDS!!! You'll never get better at drawing them if you don't get any practice. Don't worry if ya screw up with em... it's just a drawing and at least you'd be gaining valuable XP!

I like the clothes he's wearing, especially the pants. (They look like a pair of jogging pants I have) Hehe, cute kitty you've got there too!

Keep on drawing, babe. You're getting there.

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