Paula Miller

PJM Maysha
PJM Maysha by @PoJoMo (Paula Miller)

First finished anime-ish drawing I've done in a long time.

Finished Work
19y68d ago
Other Work By @PoJoMo

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 31 March, 2005 @ 12:20 PM

I really like what you've done with costume design here. Its got a nice variety of color, but doesn't look cluttered--very nice :). The way you've balanced the figure is good too...a lot of times when people draw characters balancing on one foot they look like they're about to tip over, but yours looks very grounded.

Two things you might consider for next time you draw something of this nature: her left arm (our right) is a little bigger than the other one. This isn't a huge deal, but its still something to be aware of, I think. When you stylize anatomy its best to have a good illusion of structure underneath nod The other thing is her thighs. Now, I realize that a lot of anime characters look very bow-legged, but the fact is, if she had so little fat/muscle on the inside of her legs, she couldn't have that much on the outside. Her pelvis would have to be way broad, which could work if you hadn't made the rest of her anatomy so lifelike. Id say, either stylize everything or nothing at all (that's something I came to terms with some time ago), just to create a sense of balance in the composition :).

Overall a really nice piece :)

Posted: Thursday, 31 March, 2005 @ 03:30 PM

I second what the girl below said! and add fantastic to that......Shirley

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