Aeryn Avalon

by @aeryaval (Aeryn Avalon)

I was trying a new medium, and decided pastels might be fun...and this is what came of it. It evolved froma sketch I did in Spanish one day (surprise, surprise). and I did like the original sketch better...but this is acceptable as well. ^_^ Hope you like. Prismacolor Pastel.

19y292d ago
Other Work By @aeryaval

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 19 August, 2004 @ 10:43 PM

Simply stunning! All the colors flow so well together.

Posted: Thursday, 19 August, 2004 @ 11:01 PM

I was really surprised when I first saw this image (back in the old days at fencing in Squirrel Hill) because it's so unlike your normal style. It's really, really soft, almost velvety textured, and the colors are so light and airy. It really gives the image an ethereal feel to it. I really love the colors!

My only dislike in this picture is the tail--the way she's posed, it seems slightly awkward. I think this is more because you ran out of room in your sketchbook during Spanish than because you don't know how to do anatomy. ::ahem:: ::laughs:: Great pic, imouto-chan, I'm glad that I've helped you reactivate your account!

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