JC Robinson

Won't Last: Why you don't take a slasher to the movies...
Won't Last: Why you don't take a slasher to the movies... by @Narcotics (JC Robinson)

(If you can't read the text)

4th Panel, Willow: Kiss, kiss, kiss 5th Panel, Kit: All right! All right! 6th Panel, Kit: Legolas is Aragorn's love bitch. 6th Panel, Willow: EEEE!

Based on an actual experience. This is why you don't take slashers to the movies, ESPECIALLY not to TTT. 9.6

It's actually kind of funny and some of the expressions above are what I have witnessed some of the expressions of slashers and non-slashers are in conversation.

Willow (butterfly) isn't really too much of a slasher but she does a GREAT job demonstrating it, as Kit (fox) does a nice job demonstrating a non-slasher (but obviously not a vicious non-slasher).

...they're suposed to be in a movie theatre. This comic was drawn by Rachel Johnston.

Teen (L)
Finished Work
21y152d ago
Other Work By @Narcotics

Comments & Critiques (4)

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Posted: Tuesday, 14 January, 2003 @ 03:06 PM

BWAHAHAHA!! Oh, slashers, can't take 'em anywhere, can you? I'm curious, what particular part of the movie was slashy between L/A? I forget.

:::::confused look:::::

Posted: Thursday, 16 January, 2003 @ 02:45 AM

Probably the part where Leggy-boy give Aragorn the necklace.... but really, I have no clue... It could have been anywhere....

::glomphs her leggy-boy:: Lovely little elf!


Posted: Monday, 19 May, 2003 @ 12:36 AM

I love it! That's so funny! (and true, too--me and nee-chan BOTH are like that at the movies! It's hysterical!) I really, REALLY love Willow's epressions here! (and you know, I bet I look the same way watching some animes...)


Posted: Sunday, 29 June, 2003 @ 11:54 PM

Oh god XD That looks like something I'm going to be doing at the next LotR and Harry Potter flicks to my friend...GAH!!! ALL THAT R/S XD I CANNOT wait!!! The shrieking shak is gonna be SO "SNOG!!!" ^^;;

Good pic, kawaii!! ^_^

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