Raven Illusion

Upcomming Halloween
Upcomming Halloween by @Raven (Raven Illusion)

I was so proud of this, I drew it during a boring school lecture and intended to use it to make a Halloween card. (the real version looks so much better) However, I was surfing various artist directories and found a person with a picture that had the subject in almost the exact same pose (the picture was just uploaded today). That kinda popped my bubble. Now I'm worried that people will try and accuse me of copying. :/ I'm still uploading this as I did not use any references nor did I use anyone else's picture, so its still mine. Quote from "Angel".

Anyways, Raven in her were form. Apparently homicidal hides

20y230d ago
Other Work By @Raven

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 04 January, 2004 @ 03:59 PM

Sometimes the best drawings one does are during a boring lecture at school, for some reason XD And that is pretty cool looking, I love the expression, she looks all insane and evil. X.x

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