Yvette Wade

Sielmat Fiaselco
Sielmat Fiaselco by @Mookyvet (Yvette Wade)

^^ The younger sister of one of my assassins. She's part Kykorian, and was born with an illness so that her Earth-based abilities drain the vitamins and minerals continuously from her body. So, she has to stay on medicine and is usually dizzy all of the time. Poor thing. She all woozy. But, she does have a -small- chance of defending herself. She's part ophin, so...yeah...>> Skeerah.

Finished Work
20y202d ago
Other Work By @Mookyvet

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Wednesday, 19 November, 2003 @ 12:00 PM

I really like this character design. It's so rare to see a sickly looking character, and you really did an excellent job of making her seem like she is ill, but still hopeful. Those dark eyes! I love them! They seem so sad. Her smile looks out of place--literally, I mean, I think it is a little too far to the left. But that also enhances the look of sickness she has. I really like her outfit! It also helps to make us think of her as sickly, because of the way it is very long and seems to be something warm with those long sleeves. I really love the coloring you did on the sleeves to show wrinkles--but I think your outline should reflect the wrinkles as well, and not be quite so straight. Don't be afraid to add angles in your next pics for sleeve wrinkles! The shading is really excellent in this entire picture. I am really loving her hair--it's just so vibrant--also a nice contrast to how sickly she looks. I'm very impressed by the shading on that. If you have any secret techniques you used on that, please share? ::puppy eyes:: The background is a nice choice--I really like the earthy colors you chose for this entire pic. And the leaves are really cool--the blurriness effect makes them non-distracting to the character! Overall this is a really impressive pic--and a super-cute character!

Posted: Friday, 21 November, 2003 @ 04:09 PM

Woo! I'm so glad to have such a thorough critique on this!

Thanks for noticing the mouth. I knew something didn't look right about that smile of hers, but I couldn't pinpoint it. And, I kinda -did- rush the inking on the sleeve a bit. Nyeh. I'm just a bit lazy, I think. lol

As for my technique...I really don't know. o_o I don't have one, specifically. I mean, I kinda just draw, y'know? If I somehow manage to find some in my head, though, I'll tell you. ^^

Thanks for you comment! It was a lot of help. hugs

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