Meagan Longley

Got spoon?
Got spoon? by @Invader_Flame (Meagan Longley)

:P Its a sprite comic! XD lynne said I should make some, so I made this one! u.u; however this joke won't make any sense to anyone who hasn't seen the matrix. :P well, maybe it might, but still for Matrix fans it'll be the funniest. If you can't read what they're saying: /

2nd panel- Cow: Are you balancing a SPOON on your head?

3rd panel- Jeff: uhhh... ^-^;

4th panel- Jeff: There is no spoon u.u;;


Awww, Jeff just wants to empress her so much.. but he always ends up embarrassing himself in front of her. Poor guy. ;P

Cow and Jeff are (c) to me

Irkens and Tallest Purple (since Jeff is a spin-off of him) are (c) to JV.

20y24d ago
Other Work By @Invader_Flame

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Saturday, 22 May, 2004 @ 07:31 PM

XD!! Oh that's adorable!!! Awesome job!! ^_^ There is no spoon.. teehee..

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