Ana Leistner

The Mushroom and the Moon Lady
The Mushroom and the Moon Lady by @phantom_mint (Ana Leistner)

Ink on drawing paper, Photoshop 5.

A pair of fan-characters I'd made for a Super Mario RPG fanfic I was going to write, but never got around to (though I still may give it a shot sometime).

The mushroom girl is Roomy, a little gal who's prone to sickness often. She ends up being helped to recover from a particularly nasty illness by the taller lady here, Lilybell. Lilybell herself is a fairly wild and crude-natured thief who seems to only have respect for little kids and, oddly enough, anything lunar-related. Her luck is wretched, though -- she tends to get caught in the worst situations, as if Murphy's Law is always on her back.

Finished Work
20y292d ago
Other Work By @phantom_mint

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 11 September, 2003 @ 10:50 AM

Neat characters. You don't see too many SMRPG fan characters. I like the mystical feel of this picture, and the glowing effect of the whip is a nice touch.

Posted: Friday, 19 September, 2003 @ 07:13 PM

Thank you! And yeah, SMRPG fan-character do seem extremely rare.

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