Alexandra Smith

Fanning the Flame, full size and cropped
Fanning the Flame, full size and cropped by @Pheep (Alexandra Smith)

...^_^;;; I am so vain. I'm sorry. This is a chunk of the previous picture at full size, which was too big in its entirity to post on side7. Still, I felt bad about only showing it downsized, so here this is. Kind of pointless, I know, but I just wanted to show how it really looked. Okay then.

This is a picture of Hime, my character - the text is a quote from the manga series, Chobits.

Finished Work
19y347d ago
Other Work By @Pheep

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 01 July, 2004 @ 06:21 PM

Eee. I love this picture. A lot. Her hair really looks fabulous. In the full one, her body looks great as well, but I'll comment on this one since it doesnt have any comments yet XD The quote fits the picture nicely, and man @@ Mad backgrounding. And the hair. And. The. Hair. <3

Posted: Tuesday, 06 July, 2004 @ 08:36 PM

Eee. I love you for loving this picture. A lot. XD Thank you about the hair, when it turned out that way it totally turned around how I wanted to color things because it looked so cool. Again, credit the paintbrush tool in OC. n__n The background would have been icky if not for that. And. And. Thank you. <3

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