
Mmm cross-breeding
Mmm cross-breeding by @Kougaiji (Kougaiji)

This, ah, I love this. It's kinda a cross between Saiyuki's 'Gojyo' and FF7's 'Vincent', with a hint of .hack//Sign's 'Sora'. All characters I love to death, and so this was born.

19y363d ago
Other Work By @Kougaiji

Comments & Critiques (5)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Thursday, 10 June, 2004 @ 04:15 PM

omg i love this! cud u tel me what mediums u used? (heh, listen to me and my technical terms XD) REALI REALI love the whole close up idea. super talent!

Xx x

Posted: Thursday, 10 June, 2004 @ 04:45 PM

Hm, mediums... lets see...

The original line drawing was done in blue biro ^__^; (My lucky pen, dont ask) As was the cross-hatching. I scanned it in and had to go over the lines with the airbrush in Photoshop, because the sketchy lines wouldn't just darken. And the colours were just a low opacity airbrush.

Sankyuu for the nice comment n_n

Posted: Thursday, 10 June, 2004 @ 05:05 PM

wow its amazing! thank you for replyn so quickly! keep up the amazin work!! Xx

Posted: Thursday, 10 June, 2004 @ 04:25 PM

This piece is really nice. I thought it was an anime version of Johnny Depp from Pirates of the Carribean. The cross-hatching really gives you a nice textural quality, and the hair is well done. The only thing is, you outlined the part of the skin without lines or cross-hatching. That makes it look a little strange, but doesn't detract from the picture much. Great job overall.

Posted: Thursday, 10 June, 2004 @ 04:42 PM

Firstly thankyou very much for your comment! :D And yeh, now you mention those weird little outlines, I think I did that before I'd actually cross-hatched it, so I could see where the shading was gunna go etc. I kinda forgot to get rid of them though, heh heh... ^__^;

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