Cinda 7

Dib's a Cheeze-Filled Monkey! XD
Dib's a Cheeze-Filled Monkey! XD by @cinda7 (Cinda 7)

Hehe... dun ask. Every morning in english we always do a warm up, and we had a free write one day. So I wrote: "Once upon a time, there was a boy named Dib and he was sucking on a cherry brainfreezy. Then a guy named Johnny came in and stole his brainfreezy. Dib ran and screamed and cried until he ran into a stick figure named Happy Noodle Boy who screamed "EVIL CHEESE-FILLED MONKEY! I OUGHT TO HAVE MY RABID COUCH RELEASE PIKACHUS ON YOUR HEAD! MOOSE! Then Cinda 7 was being chased by Jhonen because she stole his trench coat." It's not exactly what I wrote word-by-word, but it's pretty darn close.... can I have your trench coat, Jhonen? Artwork © Copyright 2002 Cinda 7

Finished Work
21y198d ago
Other Work By @cinda7

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 24 November, 2002 @ 11:19 AM

XD That is simply hillarious! I seriously laughed out loud XD!!! I love it!!! Heh, next time we have free writing journal (we have that, too, but we have a subject to stick to) I'll think of this XD!!!

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