Kevin McOmie

STOOGE bio by @20thcore (Kevin McOmie)

Stooge (Styler monzanti)

type: chimp

Almost everything about Styler is "out there". He had been discovered with no known history of fatherly figures in his life by Miss Hall; she took him in to her orphanage like she does with many homeless children. He once had a mother named "Milou" with no record of any surname. She had a long history of floundering about with other men and After about 1 year of running aimlessly with a baby she just dropped him and left, too drunk and inconsistent to care for her child. A homeless couple found Styler and would you believe it, took him to their arms just because he had an interesting face. their names were never known to him. 4 years after struggling with another mouth to feed, they painfully gave him up anonymously to the only safe orphanage they knew about in the district. Nanny Hall, or Miss-Hall ran the establishment and even at that time had been doing alright financially. Styler was on the doorstep with nothing but a funny face, a tattered button-plaid shirt with a clip-on purple bow-tie. She remembers him grinning for no apparent reason when their eyes first connected. his age was never on file, she guessed that he was around 6 years old when Manning and Roger came in and that was that. He was the funny one, the prankster, and charmer with no knowledge of sympathy. Apparently to Miss Halls bewilderment, he often snuck into bars and hung around with the no goods of society. But he knew what good manners were. He became the best of friends when Manning and Roger after they came around They both looked up to him because of he didn't seem to have any fears. He was a natural leader and friend to everyone at the orphanage. when he was 13 Miss Hall had to leave because of an unfortunate rise in property value that she wasn't able to pay off.

After being drafted into the homeless world again, Styler thought it was time he established a lifelong bond with his friends, Manning, Roger, Chester, Jen, and Feller. He wanted to create a snoop gang that would give each other the chance to live amongst best friends and keep themselves alive from the terrors of Argest Main. He called it "Derringer Suite". none of them cared much at all but the fact that they looked up to him and still had a family.

8-years from the day Styler parted the orphanage a long with his friends, He manages a Deli store/hang out with Roger a CSR, both making the money and keeping a close eye out for the gang. He Wants to move into large corporation in the future and manage, making big dollars and helping his friends live a life they wouldn't have had had it not been for him. He spends time finding out about all the current politics before anyone else so he can plan their moves ahead without life "Biting him the ass". He spends more of his time reading and understanding literature of famous current and past writers, also visiting his favorite bar/hang out and living it up with loners and neighborhood friends. He's the brains, security and head-honcho of the group, and out of hundreds of things to be afraid of, he fears losing his friends only.

0.5 mechanical pencil on standard printer paper inked with Micron 0.35mm pen cleaned up in open canvas 4 Stooge © Kevin McOmie 2008 Derringer Suite

Finished Work
15y64d ago
Other Work By @20thcore

Comments & Critiques (1)

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Posted: Monday, 02 March, 2009 @ 10:01 AM
Rating: 5

Excelent detail, I like how you did with hat, very nicely done. Very interesting characters. ^_^

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