
Chomp Walkin'
Chomp Walkin' by @smarle (Staci/Nadia)

I've declared 2005 the Year of the Zelda, and so I've been playing a different Zelda game each month. Link's Awakening was the game for April. In this game, there's a big Chain Chomp named BowWow who Link takes for a walk like a dog for couple of quests, and BowWow even barks like a dog. Red tells me that this is the first game that started the whole thing with Chain Chomps yipping like dogs (for example, the Mario Party games). So I thought I'd draw a cute little picture of Link walking a happy BowWow.

Chain Chomps are fun to draw! ^-^ I liked putting a cute, happy face on it, but the highlight makes it look like he's mad instead... ^^;; Link himself was pretty easy, too, except for his hair--I had to dig out the game manual to figure it out... ^^;; For the background, I drew a couple of bits of grass in Photoshop and did a lot of copy/pasting... Simple, but it works... ^^;;;;

Inked with Micron pens and colored with Prismacolor markers, white gel pen, and Photoshop 5.0!

Finished Work
19y23d ago
Other Work By @smarle

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Tuesday, 17 May, 2005 @ 04:11 AM

Awwwwwwwww.... This is so cooooooooot! I don't think the highlight makes him look mad at all... I think he looks coot and stoopid looking like he should! :) This is another one of those pictures that really shows up your talent as a colorist! Not only does Link look great, but the highlights on Bowwow's chain really stand out and look just awesome! ^^ I never even noticed them in the original, but they stand out here and help give Bowwow a 3D feel!

Posted: Wednesday, 22 June, 2005 @ 07:15 PM

I don't remember if the original BowWow design had highlights on the chain or not... I thought it would be cool and realistic either way, so I added it... ^-^

Thanks for the comment... ^-^

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