granite loucks

look! an alien!
look! an alien! by @bilrafo (granite loucks)

i decided to do a self portrait. i just got a new sweat-shirt, a new beanie, new headphones, and today i got a new pair of sunglasses. but the sunglasses aren't in the picture, i just like them 'cause they're all yellow and the such-like and make me feel cooler than i really am. see, they serve their purpose.

in any case i've been building this new look, and all that i need to get now is a hemp necklace, but i can't find any, which is odd because most of the time they're thrust in my face. gaa. and i call this my "snowboard poser" look because i don't snowboard. well, i'm going to when i go to tahoe to see my dad. or i'll fall, but either way it should be fairly entertaining. yay for my new poser look.

Finished Work
20y196d ago
Other Work By @bilrafo

Comments & Critiques (2)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 24 November, 2003 @ 07:41 PM

ok- just so you don't get me wrong...I'm not trying to harsh your mellow...but i was just wondering if the new style is to wear pants with a fade pattern that makes it look like you've wet yourself-OR have you wet yourself in this self portrait?(notice how the insides of your legs are darker than the rest of the pants? ie:black not grey)

Posted: Sunday, 30 November, 2003 @ 07:41 PM

actually it the conversion from photoshop format to jpeg that harshed on my shading job. but i don't have the memory to make a better quality image.

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