demented rabbit

A favor now, for a favor later
A favor now, for a favor later by @Demented_Rabbit (demented rabbit)

"Just remember: When I come back, you owe me a favour. And I will be back." -snaps fingers-

Who remembers this guy?? I sure do. When I was younger, I loved this guy. His voice was awesome :D (I still think so) and I liked the fact that he was a shapeshifter, and the snapping of the fingers was cool to me. -lol- It had a magical echo. XD He was evil (or as evil as can be in a carebear movie, the second one to be exact) to be chasing after the bears. Haven't watched this in ages. I tried to sketch like the original but it turned out really weird. -lol- So I tried my own version, somewhat mixed with the original...His hair should be a bit darker, might actually go over it. I can't believe I stayed up past 5 for this. ^^;

Finished Work
16y148d ago
Other Work By @Demented_Rabbit

Comments & Critiques (3)

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Posted: Thursday, 10 January, 2008 @ 09:39 AM

He does look quite evil, I can tell by the look in his face! Very bright red hair he`s got there, great work! :)

Posted: Thursday, 10 January, 2008 @ 08:14 PM

Thanks. I tried to get the colors right too. and I'm glad that he looks evil enough. :D

Posted: Tuesday, 15 January, 2008 @ 06:42 PM

Ah Dark Heart. He was alright for a Care Bears villain. I preferred No Heart from the 'toon series myself. Nice job! You brought back fond memories. :)

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