srom noname

sure i'll have more cofffff... WHO THE HECK IS THAT?
sure i'll have more cofffff... WHO THE HECK IS THAT? by @srom (srom noname)

"you want some more coffee, babe?"

"Sure i'll have som... WHAT TH-?"

"quiet, srom, it's just the audience on the other side of the picture plane. ignore them. they'll go away after awhile."

this drawing shows a lot. it was done in ballpoint pen, showing me killing time before crazy note-taking in my art of africa class. it was done on notebook paper, wide-ruled, showing that i was using the notebook that my cat pissed on, which shows that i didn't have my usual notebook with me because i'm moving. So some things are in one place and some are in another entirely different place. It also shows that my cat is pissing on things, and so i have to scrounge up some money to get him clipped.

i've been wanting to draw my own characters more, so there you go with that as well! i'm gonna turn it into something better someday. and when that day comes - oh and what a day that will be! - it will look like they're inside a house and not in a bar, which will make Summonnee look less sleazy. hooray for not being sleazy!

Rough / Concept
19y65d ago
Other Work By @srom

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 28 February, 2005 @ 08:22 PM

Man, lovely actionline through coffee-pouring girl. She could work entirely on her own as her own pic.

Nice job on the coffepot, very flowy, yet accurate!

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