Maggie Bradshaw

The Classics
The Classics by @magsby (Maggie Bradshaw)

Woot!! finished it!!! I wanted to put it in a scene that was all about the marauder era, and of course the Whomping Willow came to mind..I know it look terrible..I'm not known for my masterpiece backgrounds...but whatever....I'm just glad it's done..there may be tweeking in the future..but probably not. Anyway, if you dont know how they are its, SNape, Narcissa, Lucius, Sirius, James, Lily, Peter and Remus! if you dont know which is which..then..why ar eyou even looking in my gallery? im jsut playing..enjoy! Artwork © Copyright 2002 Maggie Bradshaw

Finished Work
21y245d ago
Other Work By @magsby

Comments & Critiques (38)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 02 September, 2002 @ 02:30 AM

Ooo... Very pretty! I must say, your colouring is rivals with your drawing talent. But I'm sure you must be up to here makes several gestures to explain with people complimenting you. You're just an artist throws in a cheesy accent Doing what artists do best!

Posted: Monday, 02 September, 2002 @ 03:23 PM

This is soo beautiful!!!! I absolutely love the detail and their expressions! But one little crit, Lily's shoulders seem a little small...cowers away ok I LOVE IT!!! EEE! PLEEZ DON'T HURT ME!! :P

Posted: Monday, 02 September, 2002 @ 03:23 PM

This is soo beautiful!!!! I absolutely love the detail and their expressions! But one little crit, Lily's shoulders seem a little small...cowers away ok I LOVE IT!!! EEE! PLEEZ DON'T HURT ME!! :P

Posted: Monday, 02 September, 2002 @ 04:02 PM

oi!!!! Oh my god!!! This is too sweet! bwah ha! Look at Snape's bow-tie! brilliant I tell ya! I love all of your work they are all so perfect and the way you capture the character's personality by just their face is so incedible...I'm speechle.....

Posted: Tuesday, 03 September, 2002 @ 09:47 AM

Oh, it's just gorgeous. I adore it!

Posted: Wednesday, 04 September, 2002 @ 11:51 AM

wow! great! remus looks great his eyes do look a little wolfish was that intentional?

Posted: Wednesday, 04 September, 2002 @ 07:32 PM

Wow! This is brilliant, and amazing and--and--WOW! Snape looks very Snapeish, and that bow tie! Narcissa and Lucius are haughty and cold looking but you can see were Draco gets his good looks from. Sirius drools oh Sirius. Wow. I could eat him up. I now know why he's portrayed as a player, I'd be a player too if I looked like that! And James, well, you can see what Harry has to live up too! He's very handsome. And looking at Lily you can see where he gets those vibrant green eyes! She's beautiful, absolutly gorgeous. Peter looks the way I pictured him and not at all like a Death Eater, which I guess is the point, neh? But I especially like Remus, because he has a peculiar gleam in his eye and the hint of a wolfish grin. Over all? Fantastic, as usual.

Posted: Sunday, 08 September, 2002 @ 01:22 PM

Heh, cute bow tie XD Nice piccy!

Posted: Tuesday, 10 September, 2002 @ 03:09 PM

WOOO! SO SEXY! WILL PRINT IT OUT WHEN I GET HOME! Excuse my profuse drooling.

Posted: Tuesday, 10 September, 2002 @ 06:03 PM

I'm dead serious when I say that I would pay good money for a print of this picture. You do damn good work, girl.

Posted: Wednesday, 11 September, 2002 @ 03:36 PM

oh wowwie. that is VERY good. I love the eyes. the eyes of sirius. ^_^

Posted: Saturday, 14 September, 2002 @ 02:22 AM

Oohh, nice. One question: what's the deal with Narcissa? why does everyone seem to think that her existence has relevancy besides the point that she is draco's mother? (Unless I'm confusing characters and looking like a total idiot) As for the picture, it looks great. Lily is well done, particularly...keep up the good work!

Posted: Saturday, 14 September, 2002 @ 10:35 PM

Maggie, I am just astounded by this piece. It's breathtaking. You characterized each character perfectly, so that I knew whom they were immediately. Narcissa's face is perfectly priceless. She looks snooty and posh. Remus' facial structure is very nice, as is Sirius' nose (and Remus' eyes are priceless, too).

This is probably my favorite of your pieces. "I really like this" cannot say enough! Keep up the astounding work!

Posted: Sunday, 15 September, 2002 @ 07:21 AM

Why did you put Peter Pettigrew in to Hufflepuff?? He is absolutely not loyal. And why does Snape wear a butterfly? Apart from that I loooooove this pic. I really like Narcissa. She reminds me a bit of Fleur. The same sorta bitch-attitude. ;-)

Posted: Thursday, 26 September, 2002 @ 08:53 PM

Maggie... You ROCK! I love this pic... because of the best pranksters of all time... The MAURDERS! I hope you keep drawing them... peace out

Posted: Monday, 07 October, 2002 @ 05:27 PM

i really like this one!! ::steals it:: hehe, um, i'll give it back later... ::evil grin::

Posted: Thursday, 10 October, 2002 @ 11:34 AM

My favourite of all your pictures! It doesn't help of course, that I have a horrible obsession with the Marauder-era characters! grins I love Remus' wolvish grin!

Posted: Thursday, 10 October, 2002 @ 10:59 PM

Wow! I love how you can tell so much about the characters just by their facial expressions and even what theyre wearing. Narcissa and our dear Mr. Malfoy both look extremely stuck up, whereas you can see that snape is just a greasy haired nerd (I must say, I love the bowtie :D) Lily looks beautiful, James, strikingly handsome as always. I love the color of Sirius'eyes, and how Lupin looks like a little puppy who wants to be played with ;) peter looks so cute and innocent too.

Posted: Tuesday, 15 October, 2002 @ 10:00 AM

Ohh....what hot people you draw! Lucius look very smug, Narcissa look rather lofty!sluty...love that beauty mark and big ear ring! Lily is a darling with those sausage curls and bright eyes. For some reason, Remus look faaaar more mischievous than Sirius with those half-closed naughty gold eyes. And Peter...sigh he looks to cuddly to be evil.

grabs James and runs away Hydy

Posted: Wednesday, 16 October, 2002 @ 08:34 PM

Sirius looks like the guy from The Mummy and Remus looks like Frodo from LotR XD XD sorry,i just wanted to tell you that

Posted: Friday, 06 December, 2002 @ 11:48 PM

Hey Maggie, i've been looking at your art for a while now.. and only one word comes to mind, "wow" and this picture is awesome. The only thing I don't agree with is Peter in Hufflepuff, he's just NOT WORTHY to be a badger!

Posted: Wednesday, 11 December, 2002 @ 06:55 PM


gets back up...

omg Sirius is so sexy in this pic...I luv it!

Posted: Wednesday, 25 December, 2002 @ 04:28 PM

Loved everyone except Remus... just not how I pictured him. Sirius is just so Sirius, though!

Posted: Sunday, 29 December, 2002 @ 10:44 AM

EEE! Severus has a Bow tie! rubs noses with him

Lovely artwork.

Posted: Wednesday, 01 January, 2003 @ 04:58 PM

that is so good!!! james looks especially good. kinda like harry and kinda not

Posted: Friday, 03 January, 2003 @ 06:08 PM

Eeeee. :D

Sirius looks adorably Brendon Fraser. Remus...yipes. Fangs. James (possibly my favorite) looks just a little bit mischievous and the smile tugging at his lips is too delicious to describe. Lily -- I sort of expect to despise Lily Potter in every picture that I see of her. Also every story. She just seems so sunflowers-and-summer-dresses, so normal, so bleeding nice--but something -- maybe it's the kink in her hair or the gleam in her eye -- makes me love her in your picture. She looks more like someone who's been up to hijinks with her friends and suffered some disappointments and done the scampering little teenager thing. Narcissa (another favorite of mine in the picture) as gorgeous and disdainful as you'd expect. Snape a little Asian-looking and immensely attractive. Looks like the type to camp out at a Sex Pistols concert rather than teach Potions. But, then, his bowtie is revealingly geeky enough. :o). Lucius is...slit-eyed and catlike and more than a little frightening, but with the perfect hateful sneer.

You're an amazing artist, Magsby. schnoogles

Posted: Tuesday, 07 January, 2003 @ 12:58 PM

i love lily's and remus' eyes! they're so cool and well-drawn ...ahem by the master :::bows:::... seriously, your stuff is great, do you enter contests and stuff? also, do you illustrate minor-lil-humble-fanfics by minor-lil-humble-authors?

Posted: Wednesday, 08 January, 2003 @ 02:28 AM

What an amazing picture!!! I LOVE IT! Can I even tell you how wonderful this is!?!? I don't think I can. Words fail me at the moment... GRINS MADLY


Posted: Saturday, 11 January, 2003 @ 12:08 PM

Both the drawing and colouring are stunning. And have to say i love Sirius's earcuff (i think it's him). And it's nice to have such a contrast with the hair colours (not just using people with dark hair)

Posted: Wednesday, 15 January, 2003 @ 02:05 PM

Never have seen anything better! Very precise images! You're simply the best!

Posted: Wednesday, 22 January, 2003 @ 07:22 PM

I love this picture. Snape looks great! So does Lily and James! :)

Posted: Friday, 24 January, 2003 @ 06:17 PM

WOW!!!! Awesome, magnificent, gorgeous pic!...I also saw this on Artistic_Alley...absolutely incredible!...everyone is EXACTLY how I picture them and their expressions are all right on target...amazing work Maggie...keep it up!

Posted: Monday, 03 February, 2003 @ 07:21 PM

Oh Gosh, thats just too funny! points at Snape I don't think I could ever imagine tall, dark, and sexy in a bow tie, snickers is v. funny, at least to me...

Posted: Sunday, 11 May, 2003 @ 01:36 PM

Wow! This is a totally awesome picture! Maggie you have a great talent! : )

Posted: Sunday, 22 June, 2003 @ 12:52 AM

Oh my goodness! I LOVE how you did all of their expressions... it's like their true nature is shining through. I especially like Sev... he appears so disgruntled and goth, even in his bow tie. Harrharr.

Posted: Saturday, 28 June, 2003 @ 11:45 PM

Freak- Squeals uncontrolably It's Snape! And he actualy looks like Snape! YaY!Also Lupin is sooo dreamy here. drool Dimi- Me like how Snape looks, Me like how Lupin looks, me like how the Malfoys look, ME LIKE THIS PICTURE!

Posted: Monday, 30 June, 2003 @ 06:33 PM

Sirius looks gorgeous! Ohh... the cutest pic I ever saw. Lilly looks really pretty too. More young Sirius! Two is not enough! And more Draco too please! You are the most talented artist I've ever seen online! Luv you.

Posted: Tuesday, 01 July, 2003 @ 11:53 PM

I LOVE the way you draw Remus! I really do!!! He was always my second fav to Sirius, but jees, now i'm thinking its a tie...wow, you draw all of them so well. It's wonderful...absolutly marvelous

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