bleed man

20y115d ago
Other Work By @bleedman

Comments & Critiques (7)

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Posted: Sunday, 18 January, 2004 @ 09:19 PM

SHE'S SO CUTE! I absolutely adore this image! I love her shy look, and the cute, almost super-deformed, but still sexy style you've drawn her in is very impressive. Your coloring skills once again, truly amaze me. If you have time to drop me any advice at all, I would truly appreciate it.

She needs a background, though. I mean, what is she leaning on? I get the impression that it's a wall of some sort, but she needs something.

Posted: Sunday, 18 January, 2004 @ 10:24 PM

I'd be glad to give advice on coloring techniques that is if you are familiar with photoshop and digital coloring. My tip for this kind of work is that I used a lot of layers for each specific color , which means that each color has about 4 tones (flat, shadows, highlights and if necessary a couple more dozen secondary shadows and highlights.) I'm not sure if you can understand this but experimenting on the layers would be my best advice, the more layers the more detail the color becomes and the heavier the file, it's best you have a pretty fast computer or else it would take time. Most of works has a file size of about 50 mb psd file. My pc would practically choke up. Anyway drop me a message or question concerning how I render my stuff... :)

Posted: Monday, 19 January, 2004 @ 11:13 PM

::nods:: So far, I'm learning how to use Photoshop Elements, so I am a little familiar with the layers tools. I have been trying to add up to four layers for shadows--the base color, the shadows, the deeper shadows, and the highlights--but what seems hard to me is how to get the colors to 'match'--you know, have the dark red in the shadows seem to go well with the base red. Do you have a particular way of matching them up? Like adjusting hue/saturation, or typing in different color values? Also, what type of brushes do you use for the actual shadows?

Thank you very much!

Posted: Tuesday, 20 January, 2004 @ 12:02 AM

There are different procedures like color schemes and color harmony, but you don't really have to get into these boring stuff, my advice is that you use your artistic instinct and let it decide. It does'nt hurt to break a few rules, it's a matter of finding your own technique. Like you said, adjusting hue and saturation , that's exactly my style. Use the color base and adjust it to your liking. As for my brush I just use the standard one cause I don't use a tablet but a mouse. Do you use a tablet or a mouse ? I am very much more comfortable with a mouse than a tablet... :)

Posted: Monday, 19 January, 2004 @ 12:51 PM

Rei rules, but I know PenPen is the REAL reason Gainax made that manga.

Posted: Monday, 19 January, 2004 @ 07:14 PM

Whoa! After all this time it's the little penguin who's behind it all...:)

Posted: Tuesday, 20 January, 2004 @ 07:18 PM

During my early days I used to draw furry characters like sonic , or bugs bunny cause they were a lot easier and not worry about anatomy. Now I am currently trying to convert my style to a more western or disney like art style. Before I drew superheroes Jim Lee style, then anime and now disney like. It's a lot like evolution actually, but changing art style takes time even years. Anyway, thanks for your comment and keep in touch, more surprises to come.

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