Ana Leistner

little dark merboy
little dark merboy by @phantom_mint (Ana Leistner)

Mechanical pencil on sketchbook paper, Photoshop 5.

I have a great facination for merfolk, which resulted in the creation of this fellow. Originally, he was going to be more colorful, but I decided to do something different.

His arms and pose seem rather stiff, though. But I like the little fishies for some reason.

Finished Work
19y325d ago
Other Work By @phantom_mint

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Sunday, 18 July, 2004 @ 12:32 AM

Hee hee, i like him! I haven't seen many non-Disney-esque merpeople around lately. I think the dark colors work, actually, better than something brighter. It makes him look more mysterious. :p I'm not sure i'd say the pose is stiff as much as his arms are just in sort of an odd position. Maybe if his shoulders weren't so shrugged and his arms were both straight out, it might look a bit more relaxed. But it's really nice the way it is now. I like it a lot. :D

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