Sarah Beth

Depravity by @rui (Sarah Beth)

Definition: (1) Moral corruption or degradation. (2)A depraved act or condition.

All right because my friends kept remarking that I had such a low image of myself (yes, this is a self-portriat of yours truly) I have to explain my thoughts in this picture.

clears throat

The angel wing is nothing really special because it is a real earring set that I love. I got them because they remind me of a fictious band turned real band for about two years /\ucifer (Lucifer).

The snake is because it reflects original sin and temptation and what better way to express it than by coming from my mouth as an angry snake. The colors for the snake, red and green, are from the colors I gave to three of the original sins/temptations. Green is envy and Red would be for either Wrath and Lust. Envy is also the reason I have put green 'eyeshadow' above my eyes because that's how I take in things to be envious of. Okay, now the snake's yellow belly is because I believe most mean things are from fear and cowardness (yellow bellied?). The three tongues on the snake was inspired from a song called "Pain" which has a line "...'cause I'd rather feel pain than nothing at all..." sung by Three Days Grace (that's why the three)

The vine (YES that's a vine!!) wrapped around the right arm is reflecting the crown of thornes worn by Christ. I use this to symbolize my conscience at work during these times. I have the thornes peircing my skin as a painful reminder that the pain He went through for me yet I tend to ignore this and continue on in my own disgusting, corrupted path.

The red in the background and as my shirt I decided on because scarlet is often used to note a woman of low morals.

Also in my left hand I am crushing a rose (you can barely see the petals popping out) and I did this to symbolize me killing the fairytale dreams.

tips head I think I coverd everything.

Why did I do such a degrading picture of myself?

Simple, I'm not going to fluff my ego by drawing me as an angel or a pure, good girl when I know my dark half all too well. She looks pretty enough to pass for likable but not to be trusted. I was nice to myself in the regards that I beautified myself in this image. ^.^ I don't look pretty...trust me on that.

peace & chaos


Teen (SO)
17y312d ago
Other Work By @rui

Comments & Critiques (1)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Monday, 26 June, 2006 @ 10:50 AM

tthat is really awesome. Great coloringa dn I love the description taht comes with it!

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