V. E. Lehkonen

ROL: Virul vs. Tylien
ROL: Virul vs. Tylien by @veltzeh (V. E. Lehkonen)

A role-play scene I drew of my character's first battle (and the other's as well) in Realms of Lemire Arena (to view that page (and the following character pages), you have to be logged in to Elftown). So, here we have my character Tylien getting its HP reduced to -1 by a rapier. You'd think having a gun would clear off people quickly, but not so when it takes a million years to load the darn thing! And the winner is obviously Virul who received only 2 HP worth of damage, and whose player gave me permission to draw his character. Or more like upload this drawing of his character.

If you can't tell, they're in a stadium. There should be some audience, but well... let's just say that even in math, physics and signal processing lectures my patience has its limits. Especially when working in ink, with which this picture was made. Colors added in PSP7 and now, finally, the background seems more 3D!

Pst... Tylien is an ANDROGYNE, but don't tell anyone!

Teen (V)
Finished Work
19y77d ago
Other Work By @veltzeh

Comments & Critiques (2)

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Posted: Tuesday, 22 March, 2005 @ 05:12 PM

nice job on the wings and cloths

[ dothack's Biography ]

Posted: Tuesday, 22 March, 2005 @ 07:45 PM

Love the work you put into this piece of Art........its fantastic and derserves a 10 on 10..............Shirley

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