Amanda Flebut

winery cat
winery cat by @Tsui (Amanda Flebut)

i actually added a bg to this image!! yay for me!!! any way this is boots the cat that hangs around our winery. hes very camera shy.... i dont have a single pic of him looking at my camera!!! raaaa! its so annoying! hes one of 3 cats that hang out... o wait sorry one of 2 now.. the really sweet one we named squeeky either ran away, was adopted by some one... or doesnt wat to say it got by a wolf or car...cries don't want to think of that....

Finished Work
20y143d ago
Other Work By @Tsui

Comments & Critiques (3)

Preferred comment/critique type for this content: Any Kind

Posted: Friday, 16 January, 2004 @ 12:29 PM

I love the way you rendered the fur in this picture. It looks so soft, and the subtle color differences such as the stripe down his back make him look so real. The position of the ears, too, in that annoyed, half-folded-back manner really brings this picture to life. I really want to just reach into the picture and pet that cat. The only problem I see is that the tail, even though it's supposed to be a perspective issue here, just looks a little short to me. But otherwise, very lovely work. I love it.

Posted: Friday, 16 January, 2004 @ 12:33 PM

his tail actually is short he had to get it half amputated cuz a bobcat attacked him and yeah.. it wasnt pretty... glad u liked it tho!!!

Posted: Friday, 16 January, 2004 @ 01:23 PM

Wow. Nice. I like the quiet colors, and the fur is very nice. ^^ Pretty kitty. I, too, would like to pet the cat. He looks really soft and sweet. Very lovely.

[ Alleya's Biography ]

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